Diffuse Texture Applied to Planet and Performance Issues I finally modified the quadtree planet test program to use textures that are generated on the GPU for each...
CEGUI Ugliness And UML Diagrams Yes, I looked at the Taharez and Windows skins before settling for the “Vanilla” skin. Lesser of three evils...
Dynamically Generated Heightmap Textures Everyone has to do several of these in their life I’m sure. I mean, implementing some kind of blend...
Resource Managers I’ve been looking for a fast, safe, memory efficient implementation of a basic resource manager that does a few...
Shared Vertex Buffers Cont. The plot doesn’t thicken, it plods on like man in a desert holding a can of pudding and desperately...
Blending Vertex Normals In A Quad Tree Ogre 3D Vertex Normal Blending from petrocket on Vimeo. I’ve finally had some time to work on blending the...
POSIX Threads And OpenMP Can Co-Exist Not exactly a major revelation, but as an experiment I changed the mesh build process to a threaded model...
Atmosphere Debut Oh atmosphere with your light scattering and all your fancy equations how you kill me. I poured over a...
Untitled Finally got to a good stopping point so here are some pictures of the latest progress. A textured and...
One Lumpy Planet I spent a long time with a pen and paper and a calculator (and a debugger) to get a...