When I showed my friend Chris my Ludum Dare 26 game ‘puzzle cube’ he recommended I make a mobile game out of it, and thus was PZL born.
The gameplay involves directing a glowing orb through a maze to the top, if there is a top…  Along the way you encounter tunnels, puzzles, prizes, stars, and monsters.  You can also enjoy the soundtrack, which is music from Darren Harper.
Creating this game was challenging, specifically designing 3d puzzles and enemy orbs that chase you. If you’re interested in the development of the game see my in-depth blog post on the matter.
You can download PZL via the iTunes App Store on your mobile device or click the link here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pzl/id812626888

There are those easy-to-solve puzzles and then there are the ones that leave you baffled and absolutely immersed for hours. – appPicker reviewer about PZL

Technology Used

Graphics Engine: Ogre3D
GUI: Gorilla
Input: OIS
Audio: SimpleAudioEngine (CocosDenshion)
Scores: Scoreoid (shut down)
Animation: CppTweener
Network: AFNetworking
I implemented the Chartboost SDK to serve ads, however the app has received about $8 in ad revenue after 10k+ downloads and as many impressions, so I pulled the plug on that.